Sach Marketing


Is It Lawfull?

Would you like to purchase property however you don’t know it is lawful to purchase that? Is it an authentic property or is the seller genuine or not? Do you have permission for a building on the land you are getting? Sach Marketing has an expert group who has profound knowledge and associations in various divisions and can assist our customers with verifying the followings:


In the customary Patwari framework, the land record should be refreshed after every 4/5 years. The Patwaris used to change that record accidentally or for any specific party. For example in Khewat Number, beyond one person can be proprietors of a property. The Patwaris used to compose only one name from the proprietors and after a couple of years rest of the proprietors’ names didn’t show up in records. In the current digital system of the Government of Punjab, the record isn’t at all being refreshed. This is likewise not fine as the adjustment of land ownership doesn’t show up in the computer system until and unless anybody points out the issue. Our specialists have an intensive comprehension of all these provinces level and country level record systems, so we can assist you with discovering the current proprietorship and history of all proprietors till to date. Likewise, we’ll check possession records, and check if an encumbrance declaration has been given for your property or not? Encumbrance declaration (EC) guarantees that there is complete ownership for a property with no money or legal liability.


Our consultants can confirm the documents given to you to check if they are certifiable or not and verify if your property is legally verified. All the record reports can be checked to assist you with making your choice with a relaxed mind.

With extensive experience in real estate industry and we know it all, inside and out. We provide practical perspectives and solutions. Our team’s players are experienced, real-world professionals who provide practical perspectives and solutions, so you can avoid pitfalls, minimize risk and gain an edge
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